Loading time 1 minute

Hello I just got my adapter yesterday. It takes about 1 minute to load and show android auto on the screen. Is that the normal time to load?

No, it’s not normal. Can you check if you have the latest firmware version 1.7.0? Also, can you please follow this instruction How report about issue to support team : Carsifi to send us logs?

I have the latest firmware. I noticed improved first connect button and clicked on…now it’s a lot more faster. Thanks

Can you send us an email via a companion app (Settings → ContactUS(email)), please not in an email that you are from this forum topic? We will add your UDID to the tester list. We are working on a new firmware that has improved for the first connection.

I know this is an old thread, but now that mine is working I’d like to know what IS normal??

Mine takes approximately 30-35 seconds from ignition on to the Andoid Auto screen.

Hi Rob, based on our test environment, loading time for the latest firmware 1.8.11 and up should be ~ 18-35 seconds.